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The concept of being "God-fearing" refers to having a sense of awe or reverence toward God, and involves a deep respect for God's power, authority, and holiness. It is rooted in the belief that God is the ultimate judge and ruler of the universe, and that human beings are accountable to God for their actions and choices. Being God-fearing encompasses a range of attitudes and behaviors, including humility, obedience to God's commandments, and a desire to please God. For many people, being God-fearing is an important part of their faith and spiritual practice, and can be a source of comfort, guidance, and motivation to live a virtuous life.

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You wrote "...God-fearing change. Change that begins with you and your spiritual needs because ultimately that is how God resurrects societies. He works with us from the inside out to force the change that is necessary for his people." If you change that quote to "...God-LOVING change, then you hit it right. Think of God as a Loving creator, not a Fear based creator. The only purpose of fear is to instill discomfort for you to see the need for change as a loving event.

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