Happy Independence Day, America! And praise be to you, Waverunners. As the nation’s holidays continue to become more and more secular, so too has the 4th of July. So much so, in fact, that for 47 years I never really considered a religious aspect of the holiday. And then, like synchronicity, this famous quote from John Adams in 1776 in The Letters of John and Abigail Adams appeared to me multiple times this time around.
“[Independence Day] will be the most memorable Epocha in the History of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated, by succeeding Generations, as the great anniversary Festival. It ought to be commemorated, as the Day of Deliverance by solemn Acts of Devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with Pomp and Parade, with Shews, Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this Time forward forever more. You will think me transported with Enthusiasm but I am not. I am well aware of the Toil and Blood and Treasure, that it will cost Us to maintain this Declaration, and support and defend these States. Yet through all the Gloom I can see the Rays of ravishing Light and Glory. I can see that the End is more than worth all the Means. And that Posterity will tryumph in that Days Transaction, even altho We should rue it, which I trust in God We shall not.”
Our Founding and the Gospel
Initially, it was presented to me in the podcast Politics by Faith with Mike Slater in the episode, Our Founding and the Gospel. Slater the host did a bang up job pointing out the Christian tones relevant to the 4th of July for Americans. As he often does, he changed my perspective of something I otherwise would not have considered.
And then later in the day a friend texted me the passage. The words seemed peculiarly familiar as I was reading them, not realizing right away they were the same words by John Adams. But when he confirmed they were, it was as if America was whispering directly to me.
I am all for change and evolution, but I also know that tradition and values can go a long way. The USA is at an existential crossroads, but this is not the first time she has been here. We as a people have some things to sort out, and generations could likely be impacted by the misguided ideals of this generation. But then again, is that now how it is for most if not all generations and cultures?
On a closing note, enjoy these two columns by Bill O’Reilly
Saving America, 7/1
The Fourth of July, 7/4
In the first piece he talks about freedom, and the fortune of the recent ruling by the Supreme Court to end Affirmative Action. In the second piece, he talks about the dangers of being blind to what is going on in the world and how it impacts the United States.
Enjoy your freedom. It is not likely to suddenly disappear, but it is eroding. Echoes in the wind keep warning us to respond. Some of us are, but it will take more. It could be the struggle of your life, or not your fight. Only you know that answer.
If this is your fight, subscribe free today and ride the wave with us.
What a phenomenal quote and great insights about Independence Day, Ryan! As always, thanks for sharing and God bless you and your writing 🙏🏼
Were you familiar with the quote already or first time hearing it?